




Chinese artist--Xingming Zhao

法字 寂耀居士

号渔父、 忆篱










Religious name Jiyao Buddhist

Known as Yufu and Yili

Born in Mianyang, Sichuan

Graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts

Vice-Chairman of Shanxi Datang Painting and Calligraphy Salon of National Culture Network

Vice President of Xi'an Shengtang Academy of Calligraphy and Painting in Shanxi Province

Chairman of Ren Farong Calligraphy Research Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Deputy Director of Shanxi Branch of China Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Research Committee

Consultant of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper

Director of National Academy of Calligraphy and Painting

Member of Sichuan Artists Association



Zhao Xingming, also known as Yufu and Yili was born in Mianyang, Sichuan in 1956. His religious name is Ji Yao. He graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and he was a member of the first session Sichuan Artists Association. He was a lecturer of the First Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Correspondence University.


Yufu loved art since childhood. He learned from Mr. Sun Zhuli,the late master of Chinese painting and former president of Sichuan Academy of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting. He has got Mr.Sun's careful guidance and dared not slacken in his whole life. He is good at painting flowers, birds, fish and insects especially fish and lotus pictures. He strives to combine poetry, calligraphy and painting. He became attached to Fan Kuisheng (Haideng Mage) in his early youth to study Sinology and Buddhism, so his life-long work has been deeply influenced by the Haideng Mage, and he performs many good deeds to others and he is generous in giving help.


The artistic characteristics of Yufu's art: focusing on the traditional brush and ink, but not abiding by stereotypes. His work has characteristic traditional calligraphy and poetry skills. The vivid colors express the modern academic ideas. He pursues the artistic effect of the great combination of brush, ink, water, color and composition. His works are momentous from far-seeing and high-quality from near-seeing, forming a Zen-like painting with profound connotations.


Yufu has been engaged in Chinese painting and calligraphy for decades. He has participated in many large-scale calligraphy and painting exhibitions and won many prizes. His works have been disseminated to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, France, Britain, Canada, the United States and other countries. They are loved and treasured by painting and calligraphy lovers and collectors at home and abroad, and they have high collection value and revalue potential.


Yufu teaches his students by precept and example. He has strict self-discipline, as well as heroic personality. He insists on the principle of being a man before doing things, so his drawing has clear language like his own personality, which affects a large number of young people to pursue progress. His students are all over the country. During his travels to sketch at home and abroad, he has made many friends in painting art.

艺术生涯 Art Life

▲ 1986孙竹篱先生最后一次画展结束时合影

The group photo at Mr. Sun Zhuli's last painting exhibition in 1986

▲ 恩师 国画大师 孙竹篱

Zhao Xingming's teacher Sun Zhuli, The Chinese painting master

▲ 1982年与绵阳地区书画界老前辈合影

Picture with the seniors of painting and calligraphy circles in Mianyang

▲ 2014年“竹下清风 篱边诗酒”纪念孙竹篱诞辰108周年成都画展嘉宾合影

A group photo at Chengdu Painting Exhibition on the 108th Anniversary of Sun Zhuli's Birthday in 2014

▲ 特区二十周年大庆与日内瓦金奖获得者

The Twentieth Anniversary of the Special Economic Zone and the Winners of the Geneva Gold Prize

▲ 与任法融道长欣赏太极风水鱼及道长亲笔题写渔父风水鱼

Enjoy Taiji Fengshui Fish Picture with Ren Farong senior Taoist priest, who write Yufu Fengshui Fish for Zhao Xingming

▲ 百年经典人物刘三姐扮演者黄婉秋女士

Ms. Huang Wanqiu, the actress of Liu Sanjie, a century-old classic figure

▲ 在西安与著名画家刘文西先生合影

Picture with famous painter Mr. Liu Wenxi in Xi'an

▲ 赠给泰国国家孤儿院九鱼图

"Nine Fish Painting" for Thailand National Orphanage

▲ 在泰国与中泰文化交流学会长谢会长收藏六尺荷香有余风水画合影

President of the Sino-Thai Cultural Exchange Society collected Zhao Xingming's 6 feet painting "lotus fragrance" in Thailand


The photoes of Zhao Xingming attending the 9th Singapore Art Festival and Awards Ceremony

▲ 参加慈善晚宴与总统及中国驻新加坡大使及名人合影

Photo with the Singapore President, Chinese Ambassador to Singapore and celebrities at a charity dinner

▲ 与新加坡佛教协会主席合影

Picture with Chairman of Singapore Buddhist Association

▲ 与文化部驻新文化参赞合影

Picture with the Cultural Counsellor of the Ministry of Culture in Singapore

▲ 与新加坡美协主席合影

Picture with Chairman of Singapore Artists Association


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